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Asian manager and his team planning a strategy

Om oss.

Från Europa till USA

This service is for you if you have thought... 

"The U.S. market looks interesting but we don't know much about it."


"Is this the right time for us to explore a foreign market?"


"How do we know if we will succeed in the U.S.?"

När du genomfört tjänsten kan du förvänta dig att ...


Förstå hur den amerikanska marknaden skulle ta emot din produkt

Veta vad du behöver arbeta med för att komma in på marknaden mest framgångsrikt

Få feedback som kan hjälpa dig att skapa en bättre produkt för din hemmamarknad

GoToMarketUSA works efficiently and successfully following a model based on Lean Startup, which attaches great importance to quickly getting the right feedback from the market in order to ensure that you work with product development in the right way - from a customer perspective. Our “Product-Market Fit Validation” service aims to help you, as your American Business Development Team, to confirm that your product has a place in the US market and/or identify favorable adjustments in the customer offering to increase the chances of success while reducing risks. This is an opportunity for you to test your product and get feedback in the world's largest market. We learn together how your product fits into the U.S. market.


What Is Included? 

We set up 5-10 meetings with customers, distributors, partners, or other interesting individuals or organizations that can help your business grow by providing direct feedback on your product offering. These meetings can be face-to-face, over the phone or through video calls, depending on what suits you.


We plan and help you make a trip to the U.S. and California. For three days, we hold meetings with different stakeholders as above to make it easier for you to present your solution directly to the recipient.


We prefer to plan this trip in conjunction with a trade show or conference within your industry, as it is usually a very good means of accessing a lot of feedback in a short time.


How Does GTMUSA Add Value to Your Expansion? 

In short, in this phase, as in all phases, we want to provide you with an effort that facilitates your organization in the internationalization and thus make it easier for you to expand to the USA without losing focus on product and company development in your home market.


We use our network, our credibility, and our local presence to book the right meetings with the right people. It is very important to us that these meetings give you the feedback you need to understand what the U.S. market has to offer and what adjustments need to be made to succeed in the best possible way. In our opinion, and our experience, this is best done by sitting down with potential customers and letting them test and evaluate your product. In addition to identifying the right meetings, we make sure to help you with the preparations required for them and we will accompany you to the meetings. To the extent necessary, we can also help you keep these contacts warm after you have left home, provided we have continued cooperation.


How Are the Results Delivered? 

After completed meetings and travel, we will compile meeting notes, contact information, and important actions regarding what we think you should bring with you to develop your customer offering, both at home and in the U.S. We will also do a short evaluation on our part to be able to recommend the next step.

Sample Agenda

Week 1  |  Introduction    

We have our first weekly meeting via Zoom and work through the project plan together, setting common goals for the coming weeks. This includes deciding which contacts are most important to you at this stage and thus where the main focus should be placed.


Week 2-4/5  |  Pre-Visit Work and Research

GTMUSA identifies individuals and organizations that can provide relevant feedback for you (and hopefully become early customers, so-called "Early Adopters"). We talk to these contacts to make sure they are relevant to your development and then set up telephone or video meetings with them to introduce them to you. All progress and/or any challenges along the way are communicated with you continuously through weekly meetings.


Week 5-6  |  On Location In California

At this stage, we suggest a visit to California to experience the American working climate for real and sit down with customers and other stakeholders to receive direct feedback on your product. For about three days we have a full schedule including booked meetings with a handful of contacts in different areas. In addition, we set aside time to sit in our office in Irvine where we together summarize our work so far to see what conclusions can be drawn. If possible, we also try to combine this visit with a conference or trade show in your industry.


In addition, of course, we spend time experiencing exciting California and Orange County with nearby gems such as Newport Beach and Laguna Beach (where we also recommend staying during this time). Both Los Angeles and San Diego are just over an hour away and tend to be popular destinations among our visitors.


Week 6-7  |  Conclusion

With you back in Sweden, GTMUSA summarizes all meetings, contacts, impressions, and future recommendations in a short presentation that is shared with you for distribution internally with the idea that it can be used as a first decision basis for continued US efforts.


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 5270 California Ave, Suite 350  |  Irvine, CA 92617

+1 (949) 300-6280

Copyright GoToMarket Lean, LLC, 2020

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