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Image by Mackenzie Marco

Om oss.

Från Europa till USA

This service is for you if you have thought... 

"We are ready to enter the U.S. but are looking for funding from external sources."


"We think our products qualify for grants in the U.S. and want to explore those options."


"We want access to venture capitalists in the U.S. that might be interested in our solution."

När ni slutfört den här tjänsten hjälper vi er att...


Skapa en hållbar budget för din amerikanska marknadsinträdesstrategi
Hitta strategiska investerare som kan tillföra värde till ert företags globala strategi
Bygga ett termsheet som förbereder och förstärker era alternativ i framtida finansieringsrundor

The U.S. and California provide access to a variety of investors and funding opportunities. The U.S. market entry process will require strong financial resources, and GTMUSA supports you in preparing and finding the right partner. Whether you are in need of a seed investor, strategic investor, or a strictly financial VC, we have contacts and access to networks that can secure your runway needs. For California based cleantech and sustainability focused businesses, the state also offer ample grant opportunities


What Is Included? 

Depending on your timeframe and capital needs, this service may include activities such as:


  • Structure a financing strategy based on your needs

  • Support with market insights to build a strong pitch deck, based on global and U.S. opportunities

  • Research and evaluate investor opportunities, and establish contact

  • Support and connect with local legal advisors, experienced from term sheets and negotiations


How Does GTMUSA Add Value to Your Expansion? 

Direct access to investors, networks, and legal advisors that fit into your strategic goals in a long-term perspective.


How Are the Results Delivered? 

We provide investor guidance and introductions via online meetings, or in face-to-face settings. We will also connect you to selected and trusted legal advisors.

go to usa market

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 5270 California Ave, Suite 350  |  Irvine, CA 92617

+1 (949) 300-6280

Copyright GoToMarket Lean, LLC, 2020

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