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About Us.

From Europe to the U.S.

Who We Are

Who We Are

A company built to help you conquer the U.S. market

GoToMarketUSA is an organization that helps European companies enter and grow in the U.S. market. To date, we have assisted more than 40 companies in their U.S. expansion process, whether it be by:


  • Helping them confirm demand for their solution and define market opportunities

  • Developing the appropriate market entry strategy

  • Finding clients and partners to ensure revenue creation and sustainable growth, or

  • Setting up a U.S. entity and managing their U.S. operations from our California office

We are highly motivated to see disruptive and innovative companies succeed. This likely stems from us being raised in Scandinavia where technology and innovation are a big part of society.


The first thoughts of starting GoToMarketUSA came to founder and CEO Torbjörn “Bjorn” Milläng when he realized there was a need for a more hands-on and executive partner to help European companies conquer the U.S. market. Working as a Management Consultant for many large Swedish corporations, he soon realized that while technology is often the core of many companies’ operations, they seemingly fail to communicate the value proposition. So, in 2007, GoToMarketUSA was founded to enable quicker, less risky, and more effective U.S. market entries.

Torbjörn and Ann Milläng

Torbjörn and Ann Milläng

(and Skipper)

A Nordic-American team to help you overcome international barriers

Today, GoToMarketUSA consists of a core team of highly skilled individuals, extremely experienced advisors from various sectors, and a network of partners with expertise in all areas necessary to establish a company in the U.S. The GoToMarketUSA Core Team consists of motivated Nordic professionals working in California, all with clear ties to both Europe and the U.S., to make it easier to understand the cultural differences and challenges that occur for companies seeking to expand to the American market. 

go to usa market strategy

GoToMarketUSA's vision is “To create a streamlined process to make it easier and more accessible (for small and medium-sized European companies) to enter the U.S. market and to be the preferred expansion partner for these companies.”



Our mission is “To assist European companies with a strategic roadmap on how to enter the U.S. market - and hands-on implementation - regardless of previous international experience. We do this by being a one-stop-shop for expansion needs, focusing on long-term relationships, while providing a local, physical presence.”

Core Values

Core Values

We are driven not only by the success of our clients but also by building and maintaining long-term relationships, as well as promoting solutions that are sustainable both for people and the planet.


Working Together

Our main goal is always to create long-term growth and profitability for our clients. For us, sharing success is what we enjoy the most and it is what drives us.


Politician with Supporters

Relations are everything. When we work with a client, we always look at our relationship as a partnership, where we help each other achieve the best possible results.



We look at sustainability from an environmental, social, and long-term business standpoint. We work with companies that develop new solutions to make the world a better place to live.

The Team
Meet The Team

Our team consists of Nordic and American individuals, allowing us to fully and truly understand the differences in both the culture and business environment that exist between these countries. This is something that has been proven to be very important to our clients, as it creates comfort and a bridge between them and the U.S. market. Additionally, these individuals have a variety of different competencies to help you through all the different stages of expansion.


Our core team is primarily based in Irvine, CA, with the exception of a few months every year when you can find some of us in Europe. Our business development partners and industry experts are based in both America and Europe. 

Click on the images below to learn more about the Core Team!
Paulina Hammerö, GTMUSA

Paulina Hammerö

Project Manager


Torbjörn "Bjorn" Milläng

Founder and CEO


Ann Milläng

Business Development: Lifestyle & Design

These are our Business Development Partners! More info to come.

Rand Brenner

Business Development: Licensing

Henri Syvänen

Business Development: Europe

Per Lindström

Business Development: Tech/Media

Dan Mogren

Business Development: Europe

Henrik Rundgren

Business Development: Europe

Jaakov Schulman

Business Development: Finland

Brian Hall

Business Development: Business Building

Erik B. von Zeipel


Thomas Blomquist


Strategic Partners

Strategic Partner Organizations

We work together with a number of qualified organizations in order to achieve our goal of simplifying the expansion process from Europe to the U.S.

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swedish americana

The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, San Diego  

SACC-SD has an extensive network and resources to let you confirm the market opportunities and guide you to the right advisor or service needed to establish your office in Southern California. The Chamber offers a unique first look at the market and can help you plan a visit to get feedback on your business proposition or to find inspiration. GTMUSA has worked with SACC-SD since 2017, providing European companies with a holistic solution to U.S. market entry. Visit their website here!

Finnish-American Chamber of Commerce

The Finnish-American Chamber of Commerce, San Diego 

FACC-SD is an excellent contact when looking into business opportunities in Southern California. Their Board of Directors and member networks carry extensive expertise and contacts to facilitate international expansion for various types of companies. 

Visit their website here!

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 5270 California Ave, Suite 350  |  Irvine, CA 92617

+1 (949) 300-6280

Copyright GoToMarket Lean, LLC, 2020

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